tokenization and stuff

Are they pursuing centralizing the ownership records of literally everything or just our money?

Real estate ownership records are currently held by local governments in Land Titles Offices. Local governments then calculate the taxes due to be forcefully extracted assessed from landowners, and when a property is sold, the new owner is also registered at the land titles office locally as well.

Butt….. things they is a’changin’ it would appear.

“As with the Bank of England’s (BOE) RTGS modernization programme, the intention is to introduce a fully digitized securities system that is future-proofed for incremental adoption of DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology). The tokenization of assets involves creating digital tokens representing underlying assets like real estate, equities, digital art, intellectual property and even cash. Tokenization is a key use case for blockchain, with some estimates pointing towards $4-5 trillion in tokenized securities on DLTa  by 2030.” (WEF) as quoted by Zerohedge

Why are the weffers so hot about central bank digital currency, recently even announcing that 98 percent of banks are pursuing it? If true, that is quite an uptake! The other 2 percent can easily be liquidated frozen out of this wunnerful new system and then we have 100 percent uptake! Amazing, maybe even By or Trimazing.

But again, why? What’s in it for them?

Well, for one thing, it occurs that having one global currency would be an easy sell to a debt-plagued public, particularly if the switch involved an infusion of this life-giving new ability to afford stuff, such as a universal basic income for example. What a way to eradicate poverty, right? Give everyone a handful of quarters and no one is technically broke anymore!

The easy sell isn’t the question to the answer of the question about why the globalist ghouls want this so badly though. They’re all sweaty about it and somehow, after their previous murderous rampage throughout the world, one could be justified in speculating about whether their excitement is really due to the possibility of helping the poor. Some of us have the spiritual gift of suspicion and this expressed desire to eliminate poverty looks fishy as in wetmarket fishy to us pattern recognitionists.

Could the endgame involve even more than merely a new financial system?

What if land ownership records were included and “tokenized” as in gameboard tokens, and all the land ownership records were held along with the financial records of the entire world in Basel, Switzerland? All you would have to do to effect a sale would be for both parties in the transaction to notify the great bank of international settlements and someone, or a robot would simply cut and paste the new owners name onto the tokenized title….done!

And of course, should this new system come into effect, there will be many, many assurances that the system is so safe that NO ONE could ever ever hack their way into it and the safeguards will be like multiple layers of encryption deep and because it will be policed by artificial intelligence NO ONE will ever abuse the privilege of having direct control over the collective wealth of the entire population of the world….. NO, NEVER, we assure you! “We” who openly conspired to depopulate YOU that is, would NEVER even think about making high and mighty decisions about who can buy what from whom, or what the penalty for promulgating bad thoughts might be or anything like that…. NO.

As it now stands, I can go to Whitehorse Yukon and ask for the title of my property anytime i want to see it. I can sell this property to whomever i wish for any mutually agreed upon price. I can retain it as long as i continue to pay the property taxes due to be scraped off my bleeding back each and every year until i am dead.

It would appear these privileges may be short-lived if the digital globalist weffing freaks get their way.

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