we don’t get it

we don’t get it. maybe we never did. maybe we never will.

Considering all the opposition to what our “leaders” are doing to us daily, you’d think we would have come up with something better than, “that’s not right!”

There is this thing called projection which, boiled down, is the belief that other people operate the same as we do and value similar things, and so we tend to expect others to make the decisions that we would make in their circumstances. This bias explains the shock we often feel when our leaders announce some insane new rule for us to follow, or act in ways that are counter-productive to the people carrying the load.

Those of us who value honesty, hard work and having a good reputation are appalled at those whose lives manifest no such values. Those who place wealth and power at the top of their value structure, consider honesty and hard work to be impediments on the road to riches and success. show them a shortcut and they’ll take it. We need to get this, and we need to catch on to this simple fact not just now, but right now. We are not dealing with people who care about right and wrong. The authority figures are flaunting this fact more and more every day. they operate outside of the bounds of the legal system while inflicting the full horrors of it’s punishments on the rest of us. Of course it’s hypocrisy but thereare those who don’t care about such niceties as avoiding that character flaw.

most of us won’t “get it” til a coconut drops on our head

As an acquaintance of mine used to say, “just the fact that someone wants to be a cop should exclude them from the position.” The same could be said of most of those who seek authority in any form. why would someone want to control the lives of the rest of us in the first place? Is “live and let live” such a disgusting thought to you? I say this with apologies to those who have more pure and honorable motives, wherever you may be within the power-structure.

And to that point, most everyone would argue they have pure motives: get the bad guy, help the little old lady across the street, that type of stuff. To that argument we could ask, “weell, what was done to the little old ladies during the lockdowns, not just by one or two authority figures but by nearly every. single. one. of. them?” Married couples in their eighties weren’t allowed to even sit together in the same room!

We have to approach the problem of corruption more directly and get over the initial reaction and the lengthy explanations of why something that’s being done is not right and move past that point to the realization that, of course it’s not right, and we shouldn’t expect the power-hangry to make right decisions in the first place! Actually, perhaps we should expect the opposite and maybe be a bit more shocked when something is done which resonates with the truth.

With all that said, there are some who are making a difference and what are the methods they’re using?

Shortly after the lockdowns and the mass-poisoning campaign, i tried to place an ad in the local paper, asking people to phone me and discuss the injuries they had experienced from the clotshots. The paper simply refused to even print the ad. This of course, i should have expected as nearly every news outlet on the planet is controlled by those with an agenda which is naturally counter-productive to our physical health and well-being.

There has been, in canada, a series of events where this idea has been carried out and i think it has been quite effective. It is called the national citizens inquiry https://rumble.com/user/NationalCitizensInquiryCA and it has held public meetings across canada over a period of months, with the purpose of encouraging canadians to tell their stories of how they have been personally affected by the medical fascism we have all suffered. First of all, those suffering injuries from the injection need a listening ear, and secondly, those who have somehow escaped the debilitating effects of the shots, need to be warned to treat most of the medical establishment like the plague.

Of course, creating awareness is only the first step in the fight. we need to understand the nature of the marauding beast if we are to cripple and kill the thing. The sad fact is that the silent majority is useless and worse than useless in this fight. By remaining silent, they are actually supporting the destructive policies of those who are fighting only for themselves.

If the silent cannot be motivated to at least talk about the problems, perhaps they will end up in support of the worst features of .gov policy when the action gets hot. For now, they sit the fence, waiting and watching, and will likely join the the winning side, for their own benefit. Such folks should realize that, allowing themselves to be used by those with no personal moral standards will only get them shoved into the mud when their usefulness as tools is ended. The reward they expect will not appear, contrary to all the promises. We see this in real time after every election!

The idea of focusing on creating a better system beside the existing one, which ultimately proves superior and makes the old system obsolete, seems a workable approach.

Perhaps we could begin by ditching the use of the official currency as much as possible. It is after all, the bit in our mouth which controls us, and it is the most-used piece of equipment in their workshop, facilitating corruption, theft and murder all over the world every single day. Do we need to carry out all of our transactions using it or could our use of it and the debilitating taxation that results be escaped somehow? Of course, i’m talking about barter here, and the use of precious metals including gold, silver and even copper for the smaller transactions.

Perhaps we won’t succeed in replacing the power structure with something that works in our lifetime, but as i recently told someone who voiced the thought that we have no power to change anything,if i try and fail, at least i will know i tried.”

And as for those who say, one person can do nothing, tell that to JESUS. It has always been one firm, resolute individual who has shaken the world, positively or negatively, has it not?

it’s loud

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